Francesco Paolo Schena
University of Bari, Italy
Professor Emeritus of Nephrology. University of Bari, Italy. Fellow of the American Society of Nephrology (since 2006). Fellow of the ERA-EDTA (since 2011). Director of the C.A.R.S.O Consortium(since 2003). This public institution is included in the ERA-EDTA list of Scientific institutions involved in basic science. The CARSO Consortium manages National and International Scientific awarded projects for a total of 20 millions of Euros. F.P.Schena leads a team of 10 PhD fellows. Past-Chairman of the Transplant Program of the Puglia Region, Italy. Councilor of the Italian Committee for Organ and Tissue Transplantation (1990-2010). Councilor of the Italian Health Research Committee (2010-13).